Robert W. Gaines Biography                          


Robert W. Gaines Biography

Robert W. Gaines
Helicopter Pilot
Air America®, Saigon, 1973


I flew helicopters for Air America® and ICCS Air Services as a first officer. My first flight was on 3/17/73 and my last flight was on 11/23/73.  I was hospitalized at the former 3rd Army hospital in Saigon on 11/24 with severe internal bleeding. The hospital was being run by a civilian group with some church affiliation at the time. My medical certificate was yanked. My wife (Mary Jo) and I returned to the U.S. immediately after my discharge from the hospital around 1 December, 1973.  I logged a total of 114 flights in Southeast Asia, approximately 380 hours.

I want my family to remember that I flew with the best!